Absent ~ But Present

Project Work ~ Busy Studio

I know, I know ~ I've been quiet (VERY quiet) this past month. Just wanted to let you know the blog posts will be returning again ~ and with consistency! April threw some interesting (and wonderful) opportunities and adventures my way ~ which in turn sparked ideas ~ which in turn lead to WORK ~ which in turn lead to more opportunities and to more ideas and to more work and...well, you get the point. I'm excited to be (finally) sharing news and updates on projects as well as the "homes" I've been securing for them. And when I say "homes," I'm talking about galleries, publications, shows, and more!

Project Work ~ Notes

Even though some things are still works in progress, I'll talk about the process of getting to where I want to go. It's not always pretty ~ rejection, failures, slogging through the details ~ these can be a real downers, but at the end of the day I am just so happy to call "artist" my profession that I'm more than okay with taking the bad with the good.

I have a lot to catch you up on. Stay tuned!