Not Usually a Lap Cat

  Who you lookin' at?


After returning home from Maine and unpacking, I sat down on my chair to start downloading photos. Not even five seconds went by before Mira climbed up on my lap and stayed there all afternoon. Sleeping. Stretching. Looking up at me. Sighing (it's so cute when she does that). She's generally not a lap cat, preferring her own space on one of the ottomans. But I guess after four weeks of me being gone (Idyllwild, Australia, and Maine) she decided she was going to sit on me to make sure I didn't leave anytime soon.

Don't worry, Mira. I'm home for a while.

For now.

Leaving Today for Down Under

Well, Emmett and I are off for Brisbane (or "Brissie," as the locals call it) today, but we are thrilled to know all will be well looked after by my dad, who is playing the role of Mr. Mom to Mira and Mr. Caretaker to our house. He'll be staying at our place, soaking up the non-snowy winter of Southern California and mastering the art of driving backwards out our driveway. Who the time we come back, we may have trouble kicking him out! We hope to post photos on a daily basis here so check back often. In the mean time, CHEERS!

Mr. Mom with Mira